Thursday, February 26, 2009

Fri., Feb. 27

Potty Mouth

The straight scoop on where public bathroom germs lurk

Liquid Assets

How many of your daily cals are coming from a cup? Check out these common liquid offenders.

When Kids are Caregivers (not kids)
Hundreds of thousands of children take care of sick parents or grandparents, and the numbers are growing as the economy falters.

Scientists Turn Crocs Into Magnetheads
Crocodiles are notoriously territorial and when biologists move them from urban areas to new homes in the wild, they often go right back to the place where they were captured, traveling up to 10 miles a week to get there, relying on the Earth's magnetic fields to get them there.

Scientists are halting their instinct to head home.

Can a toothpaste help you sleep?
Can shoes tone your butt?
Will the Ped Egg change my life?
Find out here.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Oddsball_Friday, Feb. 20th

1 in 4
Americans are struck with food poisoning each year. Diarrhea (Cha cha cha)!

Tip: Clean your cutting board

1 in a million
ladies paint their baby bump

Tip: Use water-based paint.

1 in 8
adults over 65 is affected by Alheimer’s disease.

Tip: Put on your walking shoes. “Six months of exercise will buy you a 15 to 20 percent improvement in memory, decision-making ability and attention,” said Arthur F. Kramer, a professor of psychology at the University of Illinois. “It will also buy you increases in the volume of various brain regions in the prefrontal and temporal cortex, and more efficient neuronetworks that support the kind of cognition we examined.”

More age-smart tips

Holy shape-shifting sea serpent!

Quiz yourself! Take the Times weekly health quiz.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday, Feb. 13

Stop Smoking for Spot
Survey of pet owners show 28 percent would stop smoking to prevent secondhand smoke to animals.

Ant Pranks
Caterpillar noise tricks ants into service

Travel tip

What's the best time to buy a plane ticket?

Turns out it's Wednesday from midnight to 1a.m. in the time zone of the airline's "home base."

That's when the computer systems of most airlines get rid of the reserved but unbooked lower fare reservations. Most of us at one time or another have booked a reservation, then let it go without purchase. Snap-up these discounted fares right after this happens and you're likely to get a significant discount.
Source: AARP

Skin Soothers
3 of my favorite products to help calm your itchy winter skin

Johnson’s baby oil gel
Use this post shower to lock in the moisture the shower heat took away. Go for the gel for less oily mess--it’s a great hydrator.

A&D ointment
I know it sounds a little gross to use baby’s butt cream on your body, but trust me; A&D soothes skin irritations in a snap. It smells a little medicinal, but it's a simple way to kiss an itchy, dry spot goodbye.

This vaseline-like goo helps heal irritated skin, and it soothes extremely dry, chapped or chafed skin in the process. Lather it on your dry spots before bed, it’s a little greasy but you’ll wake up soft and soothed.

Video of the week
Kittens inspired by kittens

Take the health quiz, New York Times style

Monday, February 9, 2009

welcome to week one

Ready for uninhibited geekery?

[Women blink twice as many times as men do. Your houseplants can now text you. If a rabbit doesn't eat enough high-fiber foods, its teeth may grow uncontrollably, piercing the roof of its mouth and knifing the base of its brain.]

I sure hope so, because each and every week, I will be collecting my favorite, timely studies, tips, facts, and general observations and posting them on Friday—
all the amusing stuff of the week in one thrilling, little post.

I’m pumped!